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While there is no legal requirement to prove your position as an ordained minister in a government office in New Mexico, we recommend that you keep personal records of your official ministry references. A physical copy of your ordination certificate is useful in case the couple or another person associated with the marriage needs proof of your ordination. This is where the pen finally meets the paper. As an officiant, you must complete your part of the marriage certificate. When you`re done, you`ll need to sign it with the couple and two adult witnesses (they`ll also need to sign the marriage certificate). Beautiful resorts surrounded by mountains and stunning ranches with rustic barns are just a few of what New Mexico has to offer couples planning their perfect wedding. In addition to the beautiful sites, couples in the state of New Mexico can also expect a simple standard process to get a marriage license and legal marriage. Once you understand what it`s like to get married in New Mexico (which you`ll learn by reading our how-to explanation below), head to the knot market to explore your venue and build your dream salesperson team. Then, if you`re considering changing your name when you get married, you might also want to read about how this process works.

But before you get ahead of the game, start here with our complete guide to getting a marriage license in New Mexico. At Universal Life Church, we receive several calls from wedding officials in New Mexico after obtaining their marriage license by ordering online and asking for advice on how to perform a wedding ceremony. Once the legal issues are settled, planning a wedding (although it can be a daunting task) can be a lot of fun. We suggest that new wedding ministers in New Mexico who are concerned about the ceremony read one of our helpful wedding guides. The “Ministerial Training” section of our website should provide a useful reminder for more experienced clergy. New Mexico has simple marriage laws. However, for a binding marriage in the Land of Enchantment, each member of the couple must be at least 18 years old. Those who are 16 and 17 may be able to marry in New Mexico if they receive written consent from all living parents or guardians.

Persons under the age of 16 may also marry, provided they obtain permission from a court. This provision may apply if a minor is pregnant. Nevertheless, any judge or employee who assists a minor in marriage in violation of New Mexico law may be subject to penalties. New Mexico allows out-of-state couples and same-sex couples to marry, but state law does not allow marriage of close relatives. So you`ve decided to connect in New Mexico and you couldn`t be more excited. But where do you start planning? In addition to narrowing down your guest list and choosing a venue, be sure to educate yourself on what it means to get married legally in New Mexico. Start with our introduction below, then visit your county clerk`s website for more information specific to your exact location. In the land of enchantment, couples and celebrants can structure wedding ceremonies as they wish, with a few exceptions. First, the couple must give their consent to the marriage in front of the official and witnesses. Second, the celebrant must declare the married couple.

In addition, the couple and the officiant can adapt the wedding ceremony to religious or personal needs. Once the officiant has pronounced the marriage, completed the marriage certificate, and handed it over to the county official who issued it, the marriage is solemnly contracted in accordance with New Mexico law. Before a married couple walks down the aisle in New Mexico, they must first obtain a marriage certificate from a district official. To do this, the couple must come in person and identify themselves with official identification and social security numbers. If for any reason both members of the couple do not appear in person and do not meet the identification requirements, the couple may apply to a district judge for an exemption. The judge will likely only grant the exemption if the couple can prove a valid reason. If the couple goes this route, a court order orders the employee to issue the marriage certificate. The cost of applying for a marriage license in New Mexico is $25, but the process is simple. New Mexico does not require proof of previous divorce judgments or blood tests before marriage licenses are issued. While there are no official registration requirements in New Mexico, you must be an ordained minister to legally marry.

Local regulations in New Mexico require that marriage officials be ordained under the designation of “minister” by a religious organization such as American Marriage Ministries. While you don`t need to register as a marriage official with a government office in New Mexico, it`s a good idea to keep personal records of your official department ID cards. Proof of your ordination is essential if the couple, government officials, or the place of marriage request proof of your ordination. We recommend that you order your New Mexico ministerial ordination package to receive your official identification cards.