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12. Injunction: a legal order or obligation to do or not to do something 18. Regulation: a procedural provision or order enforceable by a governmental authority, or the act or state of preparation of one or more of these rules The case was adjourned until March 20. On March 20, Tunde`s father was in court. He made noise about the charge against his son and was charged with contempt of court. After hearing both sides, the judge asked the jury if they had reached a verdict. The foreman replied, “Yes, sir.” The judge also asked, “Do you consider the accused guilty or not guilty?” The answer was, “Guilty, sir.” The defender straightened up. This time, he argued that the judge should temper justice with mercy. The judge then handed down his verdict and sentenced Tunde to ten years in prison with hard labour, with no possibility of fine. 13.

Instruction: an order or instruction; There are many words that refer to an expectation expressed by an authoritative person or entity, and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish these terms when trying to convey a reference to a law, order or rule. Here are some synonyms for these words, as well as definitions. Consider the following terms associated with social problems: During the defence counsel`s cross-examination, he stammered and made the court laugh. The bailiff demanded the court order and cross-examination continued. After cross-examination by all prosecution witnesses, the defence lawyer asked the court to dismiss the case on grounds of lack of merit and to acquit his client. The prosecutor`s lawyer filed an objection, which was allowed. 15. Ordinance: law or order issued by a state agency, especially at the municipal level, a particular ceremony or custom, or something ordered by a god or determined by fate Look in the dictionary for those you do not understand. The teacher should discuss this registry with the class. Ask students to take turns forming sentences with one of the terms. 3.

Command: an order, in particular an order, given by a senior officer in a military or police hierarchy, or a signal leading to action 16. Command: an order given to an official by his superior, or an order or principle which must be regarded as a general rule 11. Imperative: an order, rule or similar statement 8. Direction: an order or indication of how the actions of a performance should take place or how the music should be played 2. Charge: an order or information from a jury about the applicability of the law to a particular case 7. Dictation: an order or rule; Also synonymous with injunction and prescription 5. Decree: order or decision of a judicial or religious official 6. Application: an order with an expectation of compliance and a consequence for non-compliance You can continue to learn with other vocabulary categories that you will find in the menu.

14. Warrant: an order made by one court or other judicial authority to another, or an authorization granted to an officer or government, an order to establish a government or territory under such an order. On March 10, the courtroom was packed. The jury, prosecution and defence lawyers, relatives and friends of the accused, witnesses, the accused, etc. were seated. The judge was introduced with “court”! Everyone stood up as a sign of respect until he was seated. Judas was called to the witness stand and forced to take an oath on the Bible, “to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” The law is the written rule of a great authority such as the government or a state to maintain order. It is a set of rules for the good of the social order. 1. Study all the terms in bold that are related to law and social order. 9.

Directive: order issued by a government agency, official or organization 17. Prescription: a right or title, the establishment of a rule, claim or rule or tradition based on habit, instructions for the preparation and/or use of a drug or similar treatment, or the drug or treatment itself This list is good to consider when writing fantasy/science fiction stories. 19. Status: a law made by the legislature of a government, documentation for the creation of an agency and the determination of its powers and scope, or a rule established by an agency that Mr. Ojo was stunned. He could not imagine that his nephew would be considered a convict. He decided to appeal the judgement. Unfortunately for him, the police had filed a lawsuit to pursue the rape case against suspect Tunde. Jude and other witnesses were subpoenaed to appear in court on March 10 as prosecution witnesses to testify against the accused. Mr.

Ojo was also summoned, but it didn`t bother him because he thought Tunde had a good alibi. He hired a defence lawyer who was duly informed. Tuned, meanwhile, maintained his innocence to the crime. Plaintiff, plea for mitigation, pre-trial detention, court martial, courts, juvenile delinquents, mobile police, prison, attorney`s fees, bar and bank, plaintiff, defendant, prosecutor, jury, human rights, civil rights, good citizenship, population explosion, social justice, social norms. When the police arrested Tunde, he did not believe that he would be detained, let alone that he would sleep in a police cell. It was not until the next day at 2 p.m. that he was greeted by his uncle, Mr. Ojo, who vouched for him if he jumped on bail. His uncle decided to take legal action against Jude, who brought an unfounded accusation against Tunde to the police, which led to his arrest and torture. Amoral, immoral, immoral, breakdown of moral values, breakdown of marriages, social workers, civic education, decline in moral norms, deprivation, lack of discipline, divorce, indifference, nonchalant attitude, laissez-faire attitude, unemployment, infant/maternal mortality, juvenile delinquency, church workers.